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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Festival of the Horse

Hi there,

Well some unfortunate news to report. I had to cancel Wistar from the CDI this weekend. He unfortunately developed a hoof abscess in his left front hoof that we were not able to remedy before the show. He has been fantastic and I was very disappointed especially with all of the progress we have made. I am very thankful that it is a short term problem and that we will be back on track here shortly. We are heading home after the show back to Roy and everyone is very excited to get home and get back to work.

On the brighter side. "Little Man" is being so super at the show. Friday we did a 1st level test and he came in 1st with a 68.7%. Today Saturday he was very in front of my leg and expressive and won his first level test with a 71.7%. Tomorrow we are doing are very first second level test. He has been getting stronger and stronger since I have been down here and he is really understanding the concept of sitting in the canter. We will see how he does. He has been a real trooper.

Kiesha made it down safely yesterday and has been helping Ashley, Paula and I at the show and will be helping drive home with Paula tomorrow. They should be home on Tuesday night and have been so much fun having down here with us. I will let you know how Warado does tomorrow. Until then I hope all of you are well and I will see you soon.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.